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Creating a Growth Mindset in the Workplace

Updated: Jan 31

Group of workers having a meeting

When you experience a failure of some sort, what do you take away from it? Does it turn you off from trying altogether, or motivate you to improve? Do you take constructive criticism as a personal attack, or as an opportunity to grow? Our mindsets, which reflect our conviction and attitude toward our own skills, play a major role in how we act and influence others. One's thinking might have a big impact on success. To put it another way, the way a person thinks can either make or break them.

What is a Growth Mindset?

As explained by Stanford University researcher Carol Dweck, people generally fall under one of two types of mindsets: the fixed mindset or the growth mindset. People who have a fixed mindset feel that their core characteristics, such as intelligence and talent, are unchangeable. They waste their time hoping that their characteristics would lead to success rather than developing their knowledge and talents. They don't strive to improve themselves because they assume that talent is the only factor that matters when aiming to be successful-- believing that you're born good at certain things, bad at certain things, and that's that.

However, this is scientifically incorrect. Those with the growth mindset understand that you can increase your ability in any category by broadening their avenues, adapting to different scenarios, and understanding that while they have certain innate talents, they can build on them. Employees who work in companies that promote a growth mindset are more collaborative, committed, and not afraid to try new things. Meanwhile, for companies that are more on the fixed mindset side, things are more clustered, people are more careful and methodical in their tasks. Thus, collectively, they are progressing at a much slower rate.

What are some benefits of incorporating a Growth Mindset?

  • Improved performance

A team with a growth mindset can effectively drive development and creativity - both for the company and for each other.

  • Better management

Managers that have and cultivate the growth mindset benefit their teams significantly because they are more open to comments and ideas from their staff without mistaking it for a personal attack against their capabilities and talents, thus helping the company further grow.

At the end of the day, it’s all about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. The reason so many people have a fixed mindset is because it’s easy to write off your failures as something “I can’t do” or “I’m just no good at.” Remember that the only way to truly grow is to operate outside of your comfort zone.


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