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Obtaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Updated: Jan 31

Mother and daughter at a table, remote work, work life balance

Things haven’t been too easy lately. After all, it's no surprise that more than one-fourth of Americans describe themselves as "extremely stressed," given how many of us are juggling heavy duties, managing relationships and family responsibilities, as well as squeezing in outside hobbies. While it may feel like slogging through a workaholic lifestyle is necessary in order to succeed, it is neither healthy nor sustainable.

It's easy to forget in our haste to "get it all done" at work and home that as our stress levels rise, our productivity does the opposite. Stress can make us irritable or depressed, as well as put a damper on our personal and professional relationships.

Of course, stress isn't always necessarily a bad thing. While a certain level of it can be helpful to motivate us and help us perform at our best, the mantra to stress management is that one magic word: balance. Achieving a healthy work/life balance will not only significantly boost both your physical and mental health, but it also has tangible benefits for both employees and businesses. Employees who are well-balanced and fulfilled are more productive, have fewer sick days, and are more likely to both stay in their jobs and derive a higher satisfaction from them.

With that being said, here are some tips that can help you progress towards a balanced lifestyle.

  • At Work:

    • Set manageable goals each day as being able to meet priorities help us feel a sense of accomplishment and control.

    • Be efficient with your time at work. Be sure to not procrastinate by splitting your large projects into smaller tasks in order to always make steady progress on them

    • Communicate, communicate, communicate! Being transparent with your colleagues and bosses will make your life a lot easier. Getting different perspectives and ideas on a matter can help increase your performance and foster stronger workplace bonds, both of which can significantly decrease your stress levels.

    • Take short breaks and clear your mind whenever you need to!

  • Outside Work:

    • Make sure household responsibilities are properly split and clearly defined in order to avoid getting confused or overwhelmed

    • Make sure that you have a strong support system. Chatting with friends and family can keep you motivated at work and at home, as well as improve your health.

    • Eat well and work out. Spending some time jogging or at the gym not only keeps you in good physical shape but also helps you burn off some steam and mental fatigue.

    • Don’t be scared to get help! If you find yourself feeling constantly overwhelmed and are still not sure what to do about it, seeking health from a mental health professional is always a valid course of action.


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