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Relationship Building: Employee-to-Boss

Updated: Feb 7

Healthy and harmonious relationships between a manager and their staff are critical to a company's success. For many, it initially may seem daunting to form a relationship with your boss, as they are the one writing your paycheck. However, it’s important to remember that your boss is also human; it is quite probable that they would also like to have more than just surface relationships with the people they work with on a daily basis. Additionally, it would likely give you more satisfaction from your job. Thus, here are some tips to forming a healthy relationship with your boss!

Be Proactive and Take Initiative

When it comes to approaching projects, upper management is always searching for and rewarding personnel that are creative and proactive. Demonstrating your excitement and unique ideas will demonstrate that you are not just showing up because you have to, but that you are contributing value to the organization. Remember that you were hired because you possess a certain set of skills that the organization values, and you may, in many cases, have ideas different from those of your boss. Getting to the point where you feel comfortable disagreeing with your boss will help you develop a solid, healthy relationship in which you know that promising ideas will always be heard and considered.

Maintain Open Communication and Ask Questions/For Feedback

Requesting feedback from your boss serves a number of purposes. It shows your manager that you care about the project and your future performance enough to want to learn how to improve. This demonstrates that you are working on the initiatives entrusted to you not because it is your job, but because you truly care about helping the company flourish.

Appeal to their Humanity

As stated before, it’s important to remember that your boss is human too. On the average workday, most bosses are laser-focused on progressing the company towards its goals with an extensive list of things to do. However, even they appreciate it when employees see them more than the person who writes their paychecks. Even just taking some time to ask them questions like how they’ve been, or what they did over the weekend can go a long way. Keep in mind that we’re not telling you to suck up to your boss or try to be best buddies with them, but to communicate with them on a more personal level to help break the ice.


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